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Another Pinoy among new confirmed COVID-19 cases in UAE



Two new cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) were confirmed in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), among them was a Filipino.

In a statement on Friday, February 21, the UAE’s Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) announced that the two new cases were a 34-year-old Filipino and a 39-year-old Bangladeshi.

The 34-year-old patient was the second Filipino to test positive for the novel coronavirus in the UAE, following the 43-year-old Filipino who tested positive for the virus last February 8.

MoHAP said the newly reported cases came into contact with a Chinese citizen who was recently diagnosed with the virus, but it assured that the two new patients were now in stable condition.

To avoid the spreading of the virus and ensure the public’s safety, the ministry said it is screening all persons who had close contact with the confirmed cases, coordinating with health and other concerned authorities in the UAE, and had been following a “very effective” epidemiological monitoring mechanism.

As for the public, it advised them to adopt protective health behaviors to avoid infectious diseases, including washing hands with soap and clean water, and covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing to stop the spread of germs and viruses.

The two new cases brought the total number of people infected with the virus in the UAE to 11, of which three of them have fully recovered.

Meanwhile, Gulf News reported on Thursday that according to Consul-General and Deputy Head of Mission at the Philippine Embassy Marford Angeles, the condition of the first Filipino patient infected with the virus in the UAE was not getting better, but assured that the latter was “being given maximum health care and support.”

Angeles also asked for prayers for the speedy recovery of the Filipino patient.

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