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Parliamentary Secretary Rob Oliphant to travel to Africa to strengthen Canada’s engagement in the region



In Mozambique, Mr. Oliphant will also visit a project supported by Canada and will meet with partner organizations to gain a deeper understanding of challenges and opportunities that exist in the region regarding the health, education and economic sectors. (File Photo: Rob Oliphant MP/Facebook)

The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today announced that Rob Oliphant, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, will travel to Sudan, Mozambique and Ethiopia from January 11 to 18, 2020.

The visit is part of Canada’s ongoing commitment to engage with African partners in a sustained and meaningful way and address shared opportunities and priorities.

During the visit, the Parliamentary Secretary will meet with government officials and other African partners to discuss common interests. This will include identifying opportunities to collaborate on peace and security, climate action, trade and investment, gender equality, the rules-based international order and multilateral cooperation. He will also meet with civil society, including women and youth, to discuss civic engagement, governance, human rights, and women’s participation and inclusion in all aspect of society.

In Mozambique, Mr. Oliphant will also visit a project supported by Canada and will meet with partner organizations to gain a deeper understanding of challenges and opportunities that exist in the region regarding the health, education and economic sectors.


“Canada remains strongly committed to engaging with our valued African partners. I look forward to exploring how we can continue to work together to ensure a more prosperous, inclusive and sustainable world that is based on the rules-based international order.”

– Rob Oliphant, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Quick facts

  • In December 2019, Canada joined 20 other countries and organizations for the 5th Friends of Sudan meeting in Khartoum to discuss how the international community can support Sudan’s civilian-led government in its efforts to achieve peace and promote economic recovery, development and women’s full and equal participation in society.
  • Canada is supporting Mozambique in its efforts to advance good governance and peace and security. In 2019, Canada contributed $1.5 million to the nationally led peace process.
  • In response to the devastation wrought by tropical cyclones Idai and Kenneth in March and April 2019, Canada also provided more than $10 million in humanitarian assistance to the affected region, including $7.25 million for Mozambique. Canada’s assistance, provided through trusted humanitarian partners, has helped meet the immediate needs of vulnerable communities.
  • Canada and Ethiopia have a long-standing partnership of over 50 years. Most recently, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met with Ethiopia’s President Sahle-Work Zewde on the margins of the Women Deliver conference in June 2019.
  • In December 2019, Minister Champagne attended the Aswan Forum to discuss peace, security and development in Africa.
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