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BOC strictly implements ‘no-gift policy’



In a press conference, Customs Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero said the policy is “to show our commitment to reform ourselves.” (PNA photo by Ferdinand Patinio)

MANILA — The top official of the Bureau of Customs (BOC) on Tuesday said it is strictly implementing a ‘no-gift’ policy.

In a press conference, Customs Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero said the policy is “to show our commitment to reform ourselves.”

“That is a gesture of our commitment,” the BOC chief added.

Guerrero advised the public not to be sweet-talked by unscrupulous persons who are asking money from them in exchange for favors.

“How many times have I said I am not accepting [bribes], I will accept and I never accepted anything? I said the President appointed me here to do my job and nothing more. I don’t have any agenda in my tenure here in BOC,” he said.

Earlier, President Rodrigo Duterte said police officers may accept gifts given out of gratitude or generosity.

Republic Act No. 3019 does not allow public officers from requesting or receiving any gift in connection with any contract involving the government, unless the unsolicited presents are of “small or insignificant value offered or given as a mere ordinary token of gratitude or friendship according to local customs or usage.”

Guerrero said additional Customs officials are likely to suffer the same fate of the seven BOC personnel who were dismissed from service by the Office of the Ombudsman.

He said the Customs personnel are part of the list of 119 persons they have submitted for investigation.

The Customs head noted that the remaining BOC employees are on floating status and ordered to report to the Compliance Monitoring Unit.

“They are not holding any positions in the office but in the meantime, we have to account for them,” Guerrero added.

On Monday, the Ombudsman ordered the dismissal of Deputy Collector for Operations Ramon Hernandez, Customs Operations Officer V Lomonto Macabando, Customs Operations Officer III Vanzandt Remonde, Special Police Assistant Chief Jaybee Raul Cometa, Customs Security Guard II Renly Tiñana, Special Agent I Oscar Farin, and Customs Operations Officer III Vicente Gamboa after they were found guilty of administrative charges.

On the other hand, Customs Operations Officer IV Dolores Domingo was ordered suspended for a year without pay for reportedly not complying with her reassignment three years ago.

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