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Filipina OFW found guilty of murder executed in Saudi Arabia



According to Philippine Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Adnan Alonto, the Filipina was given legal assistance by the embassy during her trials. They also sent representatives to visit her and that her family in the Philippines were regularly updated with her case. (Photo: Stijn te Strake/Unsplash)

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Thursday, January 31, said Saudi Arabia executed a Filipina household service worker after she was found guilty of murder.

The overseas Filipino worker (OFW), whose name was not revealed, was executed on Tuesday.

“The Department regrets that it was not able to save the life of the Filipina after the Saudi Supreme Judicial Council classified her case as one in which blood money does not apply under Shariah law,” the Foreign Affairs department said.

According to Philippine Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Adnan Alonto, the Filipina was given legal assistance by the embassy during her trials. They also sent representatives to visit her and that her family in the Philippines were regularly updated with her case.

In an interview with DZMM, DFA Assistant Secretary Elmer Cato said the government “exerted all efforts to save her life.”

Cato, however, did not give further information regarding the case.

As of writing, details on whether the Filipina’s remains will be brought back to the Philippines or not have yet to be revealed.

Foreign Secretary Teodoro “Teddyboy” Locsin, Jr. said in a tweet that the OFW’s execution only shows that the Philippines cannot adopt the death penalty.

“We lose the argument of respecting our culture which abhors the taking of a human life by a cold formal state justice system when we believe that a state exists to protect life,” he stressed.

In 2015, a 35-year-old OFW named Joselito Zapanta was also executed in Saudi Arabia after he was convicted for murder and robbery last 2010.

He was sentenced to death for the killing of his Sudanese landlord after they had a heated argument over rent.

Just two years ago, another Filipina was also executed by hanging in a Gulf country. Forty-four-year-old domestic helper Jakatia Pawa’s execution in Kuwait came after the court found her guilty of killing her employer’s daughter.

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