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New infantry division to go after Abu Sayyaf in Sulu: Lorenzana



FILE: Lorenzana issued the statement Thursday to belie Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) founder Jose Maria “Joma” Sison’s claims that President Rodrigo Duterte and “pro-US militarists” in the security cluster of his cabinet are destabilizing their own regime. (Photo courtesy: PTV via PNA)

MANILA — Another infantry division will be created, and the unit will be deployed in Sulu to neutralize the Abu Sayyaf terror threat once and for all.

This was disclosed by DND Secretary Delfin Lorenzana in an interview with reporters late Thursday.

He added the unit will provide permanent military presence in the province.

“We are going to create another division. We will have permanent presence in Sulu and eliminate once and for all itong (this) Abu Sayyaf (threat),” Lorenzana said.

“We are going to recruit more people for that division,” he added.

As of this posting, the Philippine Army is composed of 10 infantry divisions, one mechanized infantry division, artillery regiment and various support units.

A Philippine infantry division normally consists of 5,000 to 6,000 officers and enlisted personnel.

President Rodrigo Duterte earlier ordered the beefing up of troops in Sulu after a clash with Abu Sayyaf terrorists left five soldiers dead and several others wounded.

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