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PRRD focused on key issues amid ‘very good’ rating



“Notwithstanding this rating which SWS classified as ‘very good,’ the President remains focused with his promise to the Filipino people and he has rolled up his barong to fight drugs, criminality, and corruption and bring comfortable life for all Filipinos,” Roque said.(File photo: SIMEON CELI JR./PRESIDENTIAL)

MANILA — President Rodrigo R. Duterte remains focused on his vow to rid the country of illegal drugs, crime, and corruption amid the “very good” net satisfaction rating his administration obtained in a recent survey, Malacañang said Monday.

Results of the Second Quarter 2018 Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey showed that 72 percent of adult Filipinos are satisfied with the general performance of the Duterte administration. The SWS classified this as “very good.”

The survey, conducted from June 27 to 30, also showed that 15 percent were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, and 13 percent were dissatisfied with the general performance.

According to the SWS, the steady net satisfaction rating of the Duterte administration from March 2018 to June 2018 was due to “increases in net satisfaction in Mindanao and Balance Luzon, combined with decreases in Metro Manila and Visayas.”

Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque, who welcomed the survey results, however, noted that Duterte cared less about surveys and more about his commitment to provide Filipinos with better lives.

“We welcome the Second Quarter 2018 Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey showing 72 percent of adult Filipinos satisfied with the general performance of the Duterte administration,” Roque said in a press briefing in Malita, Davao Occidental.

“Notwithstanding this rating which SWS classified as ‘very good,’ the President remains focused with his promise to the Filipino people and he has rolled up his barong to fight drugs, criminality, and corruption and bring comfortable life for all Filipinos,” he added.

Duterte himself has repeatedly mentioned in previous speeches that he “did not care” how he was rated because his job was not to watch ratings, but fulfill his promises.

Roque, meanwhile, welcomed the latest outlook of Japanese financial holding company Nomura Securities Ltd, stating that the Philippine economy likely grew by 6.8 percent in the second quarter of 2018.

Citing Nomura, Roque said the second quarter growth is driven by the goods-producing sectors such as manufacturing and construction.

He added that this also shows the industrial production growth reaching 24.4 percent year-on-year in the second quarter compared to the 18.6 percent in the first quarter.

Moreover, 60.8 percent year-on-year growth in the second quarter is also seen in the public sector outlays and infrastructure disbursement compared to 34 percent in the first quarter.

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