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Most in survey see US fiscal policy as too aggressive



 A new survey shows that a majority of business economists now view the government's tax and spending policy as moving too aggressively to stimulate economic growth, setting up a potential increase in the deficit in the coming years. (Shutterstock)

A new survey shows that a majority of business economists now view the government’s tax and spending policy as moving too aggressively to stimulate economic growth, setting up a potential increase in the deficit in the coming years. (Shutterstock)

WASHINGTON — A new survey shows that a majority of business economists now view the government’s tax and spending policy as moving too aggressively to stimulate economic growth, setting up a potential increase in the deficit in the coming years.

That view emerged from the latest economic policy survey by the National Association for Business Economics, polling 211 members at companies and industry groups.

The survey was released Monday by NABE, a professional association for business economists, academics and others who use economics in the workplace.

The 52 per cent of economists who consider the government’s fiscal policy “too stimulative” compares with only 20 per cent in August, in the previous economic policy survey. This time, 37 per cent of respondents judged tax and spending policy as “about right,” down from 46 per cent in August.

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