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Lacson urges Pacquiao to not rush vote on death penalty



Senator Panfilo Lacson advised Senator Manny Pacquiao to give more time in learning the stance of his colleagues in the proposed death penalty bill, instead of rushing its votes.

“If I were Senator Pacquiao, I will first test the waters on how many votes I could get. Would it be enough to pass the death penalty bill?” Lacson said in a press briefing.

Lacson added that in his informal talks with other senators, it appears that there are slim chances in passing the proposed measure.

“Based on discussions, informally, others find it hard… It’s really hard to get the required number (of votes) to pass the death penalty bill here in the Senate,” he added.

Lacson also said that Pacquiao rushing the votes would only waste the Senate’s time because instead of tackling bills that would get approved, they will end up tackling the ones that are unlikely to be passed.

Pacquiao as subcommittee chairman has been designated to lead the discussions on the death penalty bill.


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