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Duterte nods on PCOO Gov’n Satellite Network



Presidential Communications Office (PCO) Secretary Martin Andanar. (PCOO photo)

FILE: Presidential Communications Office (PCO) Secretary Martin Andanar. (PCOO photo)

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, on December 5, Tuesday, approved the proposal for a Government Satellite Network (GSN).

“I am pleased to announce that during the 20th Cabinet meeting, the President gave the nod for PCOO’s (Presidential Communications Operations Office) Government Satellite Network in 2018,” PCOO Secretary Martin Andanar said in a statement on Wednesday.

According to the Communications Secretary, the GSN will allow videos, images, audio, and data content to be transmitted to different parts of the country and in other parts of the globe as well. This reach will include remote areas in provinces and even in islands.

Furthermore, Andanar said that this is possible through the technologies advanced satellite and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV).

Unlike traditional formats of bringing aired content to televisions, like cable and satellite, IPTV uses IP networks that allows the content to be transmitted immediately and continuously –  which is also known as streaming.

Another thing to note about GSN is its two-way or multiple tele-conference communication and access to multiple television channels.

“We can roll out the GSN in 42, 000 Barangay Halls, PCOO attached agencies and [offices] nationwide in six months, once all necessary legal work and other bidding matters are ironed out,” Andanar further said.

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