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No untoward incident during Undas: NCRPO



FILE: Despite repeated warnings and advisories, Albayalde said law enforcers continue to confiscate prohibited items. (Photo: Joey Razon/PNA)

FILE: Despite repeated warnings and advisories, Albayalde said law enforcers continue to confiscate prohibited items. (Photo: Joey Razon/PNA)

MANILA— There was no untoward incident reported across Metro Manila in line with the country’s observance of All Saints’ Day, the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) said Wednesday.

Sa pagikot-ikot namin wala po untoward incidents maliban sa mga bata nahihiwalay sa magulang pero naibabalik din agad (Based on the rounds we have made, there are no untoward incidents except for children who get lost but they are immediately returned to their parents.),” NCRPO Director Oscar Albayalde said in a radio interview.

Despite repeated warnings and advisories, Albayalde said law enforcers continue to confiscate prohibited items.

“There are tarpaulins indicating what can and cannot be brought inside the cemetery. Why do we confiscate nail cutter and alcohol? Alcohol can cause fire when ignited. Nail cutter is prohibited as it is a sharp object as per the cemetery management. However, these are tagged and are returned to the owners upon exit,” the NCRPO chief said in Filipino.

“Earlier, we expect 500,000 visitors. The rain stopped so most probably there will be around 1.5 million visitors who will flock to Manila North Cemetery. At the Manila South Cemetery, we expect around 100,000 people. Our policemen as well as police assistance desks are on alert in cemeteries and in transport terminals until tomorrow, (November 2),” he added.

Albayalde also noted that security measures are still intact in bus terminals for the influx of passengers returning from the provinces.

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