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PRRD: Martial law remains in Mindanao



President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, in his speech during the Philippine Air Force (PAF) Change of Command Ceremony at the Haribon Hangar, Air Force City in Clark Air Base, Pampanga on October 24, 2017, urges the PAF to continue performing their duties as he assures that the government has their full support. KING RODRIGUEZ/PRESIDENTIAL PHOTO

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, in his speech during the Philippine Air Force (PAF) Change of Command Ceremony at the Haribon Hangar, Air Force City in Clark Air Base, Pampanga on October 24, 2017, urges the PAF to continue performing their duties as he assures that the government has their full support. KING RODRIGUEZ/PRESIDENTIAL PHOTO

Despite the end of the five-month Marawi siege, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte said anew that Martial law will remain in Mindanao.

In his speech during the Philippine Air Force (PAF) change of command and retirement ceremony in honor of Lt. Gen. Edgar Fallorina in Clark, Pampanga on Tuesday, the President promised his full support to the military.

“I enjoin our troops to continue performing their duties well, especially as martial law remains in effect in Mindanao,” Duterte said.

“There are persisting threats of terrorism and insurgency,” he added.

The president did not specify the terms when Martial Law will be lifted.

Duterte also recognized the valor and sacrifices of the PAF personnel who were killed and wounded in action.

He also mentioned that the military’s deeds and efforts for the nation even by leaving the comfort of their families and homes are ‘truly praiseworthy.’

He also said that because of the PAF’s contributions, the country has made a ‘significant’ headway in ridding the country of criminality, insurgency, terrorism, and corruption.

“Truly, you have made our country safer and more secure,” the President said.

Meanwhile, Presidential Spokesman Ernesto Abella on Wednesday said that the government is now focused on Marawi’s rehabilitation.

“Government is investing heavily in infrastructure as part of the reconstruction and rehabilitation program of Marawi, which in turn is expected to drive growth and create more jobs for people,” Abella said in a statement.

He added that they expect the business and consumer confidence in Mindanao to pick up with the siege’s end.

“The rehabilitation of the Islamic City will contribute to peace-building efforts as economic opportunities open, including restoration of livelihood for the Maranaos, so they can start rebuilding their lives,” he said.

On May 23, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)-inspired group Maute fighters started the Marawi siege which ended on its 154th day on October 23.

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