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Prelate urges OFWs to reject illegal activities



“We always remind our OFWs to shun away from people or group with violent and hatred ideologies, and to report them to civil authorities and be always safe for sake of their loved ones,” Bataan Bishop Ruperto Santos, chairman of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines - Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (CBCP-ECMI) said. (Photo By CreakingCondor - Own work, CC0)

“We always remind our OFWs to shun away from people or group with violent and hatred ideologies, and to report them to civil authorities and be always safe for sake of their loved ones,” Bataan Bishop Ruperto Santos, chairman of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines – Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (CBCP-ECMI) said. (Photo By CreakingCondor – Own work, CC0)

MANILA — A Catholic prelate on Monday reminded Filipinos in other countries not to engage in illegal activities and to always take care of themselves.

“We always remind our OFWs to shun away from people or group with violent and hatred ideologies, and to report them to civil authorities and be always safe for sake of their loved ones,” Bataan Bishop Ruperto Santos, chairman of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines – Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (CBCP-ECMI) said.

“We always beg God to grant our OFWs safety, peace to our country and change of hearts to those harbouring death and destruction to society,” Santos added.

Santos made the statement following reports stating that 37-year-old Filipino orthopedic surgeon Russel Salic was among the three persons charged by US authorities for allegedly plotting terror attacks in New York City last year.

Salic is currently under custody in the Philippines after he was arrested early this year for kidnapping and killing two Filipinos.

The Department of Justice earlier said it has yet to process the US government’s request for Salic’s extradition.

Meanwhile, Santos hopes that people from other races will not judge Filipinos solely based on the matter, noting that many Filipinos, including overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) have shown the world how they value life and peace.

“The whole world through the sacrifices and services of OFWs to them have shown that we are God fearing people, trustworthy and hardworking,” the Bataan prelate said.

“It is indeed a black eye on our image. And there will be a cloud of suspicions over us. But it is an isolated case. That is not the true face of the Filipino,” he added.

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