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Clinton leads by two points in new poll



A week ago Clinton was up by three points and by six points in mid-October. (Photo: Hillary Clinton/Facebook)

A week ago Clinton was up by three points and by six points in mid-October. (Photo: Hillary Clinton/Facebook)

FAYETTEVILLE—The race to the White House is tightening with Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton leading her Republican rival by just two percentage points, a latest opinion poll has said.

An estimated 200 million US voters would elect their next president on November 8. More than 35 million of them have already casted their votes.

Fox New in its latest poll Friday said that Donald Trump (43 percent) was trailing behind Clinton (45 percent) by two percentage points.

A week ago Clinton was up by three points and by six points in mid-October.

“The FBI action forced Clinton to play defense in the closing week,” said Democratic pollster Chris Anderson.

“But the number of voters who will move out of her column to someone else will likely be minimal. If the election really comes down to the wire, perhaps it makes a difference in a battleground,” said Anderson, who conducts the Fox News Poll with Republican counterpart Daron Shaw.

Another major media outlet for the first time projected Hillary’s electoral college votes below the halfway mark of 270.

The CNN, in its latest projections of electoral maps, predicted 268 electoral college votes, two short of the halfway mark of 270 required to be declared elected in the 2016 presidential elections.

On the other hand, Trump still has a long way to catch up.

CNN projections gives him 204 electoral college votes.

The battle ground States as per CNN are Arizona, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina.

The major US media outlet reported that Trump has gained quite a bit in the past two weeks, in particular after the FBI Director James Comey announced last week to re-open the investigation into the alleged email scandal of Clinton.

In RealClearPolitics, which keeps track of all major polls, Clinton’s lead in the average of polls is 1.6 percentage points.

The “polls only” model of legendary Nate Silver from The New York Times said that Clinton had a 67.8 percentage chance of winning the Nov. 8 presidential elections.

The Huffington Post on the other said that Clinton had a 97.9 percent chance of winning the elections, even as Trump appears to have a late surge.

Princeton Election Consortium also gives Clinton a much higher chance of winning the election. (PNA/PTI)

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