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Drilon: I’m not giving up on BBL passage



MANILA, PHILIPPINES – Sen. Franklin Drilon said he has not given up on the passage of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) even the chamber is busy reviewing the P3.002-trillion national budget next year.

The Congress is already running out of time and the problem came from the House of Representatives due to its failure to muster a quorum on BBL deliberations.

Drilon said the lawmakers are busy looking into the budget allocated for the transition commission and BBL-related provisions when the Senate Minority Leader Juan Ponce Enrile questioned the amount allocated for the purpose when the Congress has not passed the BBL.

“We will pass the budget in the ARMM in our proposed national budget. But with the debate concerning the Bangsamoro Basic Law, we will put a provision on what will happen to the proposed budget of ARMM in the 2016 budget,” Drilon said.

According to Drilon, the deliberations on the budget are expected to be wrapped up this week, and the bicameral committee are done next week. After the deliberations, the Senate will still have a week before their Christmas vacation on Dec. 16 to pass the measure.

Drilon added that only Enrile is still interpolating the bill in the Senate.

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