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Filipino sentenced to 6 years for running over his girlfriend



After a fight, Del Campo intentionally mowed down his girlfriend, killing her.  (Screengrab from CTV News Calgary's footage)

After a fight, Del Campo intentionally mowed down his girlfriend, killing her.
(Screengrab from CTV News Calgary’s footage)

Kristoffer Del Campo, 33, was sentenced to 6 years imprisonment after pleading guilty in the August 2013 killing of his girlfriend, Lacey Manion, whom he ran over with his Camaro.

“One bad decision has changed their lives forever… No sentence, nothing can undo what has been done. All we can do is say to Mr. Del Campo that his conduct is unacceptable in a civilized society,” Justice Sal LoVecchio said in a CBC News report.

Del Ocampo faced a manslaughter charge which has been changed to a second-degree murder charge. The original charge was imposed upon him after evidences were gathered and studied.

“When you’re looking at second degree and life in jail with a minimum of ten years before parole eligibility… He wanted to take responsibility, but for what he did which was a manslaughter and that’s how it was resolved today,” defense lawyer Adriano Iovinelli said in a Global News report.

Although welcoming the Calgary court’s ruling and believing that justice has been served, Manion’s camp wanted Del Ocampo to serve a longer sentence in jail.

“The damage that this kind of a crime does to a family – it tears a family apart… Our family needs some closure and I just wanted that person that took my daughter’s life to know how we all felt,” Yvonne Denomay, the victim’s mother, told the court.

“Lacey had the most beautiful smile and she was just this fun-loving, happy person,” Denomay said, stressing that she could not yet accept any apology.

Del Ocampo will be deported back to the Philippines after serving his sentence. He has also faced multiple charges on identity theft and the fraudulent use of credit cards.

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