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No Filipino casualty reported yet in Paris attacks — DFA



Paris France Attacks

MANILA — No Filipino casualty has so far been reported in Friday’s coordinated terrorist attacks in Paris that left more than 140 people dead and dozens others injured.

“So far there are no reports of Filipinos affected by the incident in Paris. Our embassy continues to monitor closely the situation and stands ready to extend assistance to Filipinos who may need it,” Foreign Affairs spokesman Charles Jose said on Saturday.

There are around 48,000 Filipinos in France, according to a 2013 data by the Commission on Filipinos Overseas, while more than 10 million are scattered across the globe, making them vulnerable to security threats, calamities and domestic conflicts in their host countries.

French President Francois Hollande declared a state of emergency following what he described as an unprecedented terrorist attack that was staged days before France was to host a global climate conference.

At least 100 were reported killed by armed men in the Bataclan concert hall and 40 more in various locations – in bars and restaurants — in the city.

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