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Former INC minister faces charges on illegal detention



Expelled INC minister Lowell Menorca II with his wife (Screengrab from's footage)

Expelled INC minister Lowell Menorca II with his wife (Screengrab from’s footage)

MANILA – Expelled Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) minister Lowell Menorca II was charged before the Department of Justice (DOJ) for the alleged illegal detention of Abegail Yanson, the nanny of his daughter.

Menorca supposedly brought Yanson from Sorsogon to Manila and have not allowed her to visit her family back in the province since July. Yanson’s parents then filed a complaint before the DOJ.

“I was the one who hugged my daughter… I’ve been wanting to do that because I missed her,” Yanson’s mother, Rosalie told reporters.

Menorca, for his part, asserted that the INC has only been using the Yansons to harass him. He has then petitioned for a protection order as he claimed that the harassment and threats on his life continued.

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