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PNP to ask ombudsman updates on Petrasanta’s case



Philippine National Police (PNP) police force (Facebook photo)

Philippine National Police (PNP) police force (Facebook photo)

MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) will be inquiring the Office of the Ombudsman regarding Chief Supt. Raul Petrasanta’s case.

The PNP will be clarifying if Petrasanta is allowed to return to his post as Central Luzon PNP director after serving his six-month suspension which ends on July 5.

“The DPRM (Directorate for Personnel and Records Management) will inquire with the ombudsman as to the status or development of the case of Gen. Petrasanta. The reply will determine what his status and designation will be (or) if he can still go back to his previous position,” PNP spokesman Chief Supt. Wilben Mayor said in a press briefing.

Petrasanta has been suspended together with resigned PNP chief Dir. Gen. Alan Purisima and junior officers Sr. Supts. Edurado Acierto, Lenbell Fabia, Allan Parreno and Melchor Reyes; Supt. Sonia Calixto; Chief Insps. Nelson Bautista and Ricardo Zapata; and Sr. Insp. Ford Tuazon., after being linked in an anomalous gun delivery service with a private company.

Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales, for her part, earlier announced that the anti-graft agency’s preliminary investigation is soon to be completed and results ‘should be out or released anytime soon.’

“When you say anytime it could be today, it could be tomorrow, it could be next week or next month,” the ombudsman clarified.

“Let us give due course to the investigation being done by the ombudsman. Gen. Petrasanta is serving the suspension order until July 5. Let’s wait for the development with regards to that case. At the same time, we have to remember that the President still has the power to appoint a PNP chief,” Mayor said.

Meanwhile, reports state that President Benigno Aquino III is considering Petrasanta among his choices as the next PNP chief.

The suspended police chief is a family friend of the Aquino’s, having served in the Presidential Security Group (PSG) during late President Cory Aquino’s term.

Moreover, Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. has endorsement him as the preferred succeeding PNP chief.

Aside from Petrasanta other police directors have been named for the post. These are Deputy Dir. Gen. Marcelo Garbo Jr., Dir. Benjamin Magalong, Dir. Ricardo Marquez, Dir. Danny Constantino and Dir. Juanito B. Vaño.

While President Aquino is still deliberating candidates for the PNP post, Deputy Dir. Gen. Leonardo Espina has been appointed as the acting PNP chief. Espina, however, will retire next month.

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