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Study confirms Windsor hum comes from U.S. island but mystery remains



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WINDSOR, Ont.—A federally funded study confirms a humming noise in Windsor, Ont., emanates from an island across the Detroit River but fails to completely solve the long-running mystery over the vibration.

Essex Conservative MP Jeff Watson, who revealed the findings Friday, says the acoustic monitoring study shows the rumbling is real and reaches Windsor from heavily industrial Zug Island in River Rouge, Mich.

But he says the investigation—done by scientists at the University of Windsor and Western University—fails to pinpoint just what has been causing the phenomenon.

Watson says Ottawa is now out of options to further zero in on just what’s making the humming sound hum and that efforts now lie with authorities on the Michigan side of the river.

He says the study has been provided to officials there, including the governor, and that the Canadian consul-general in Detroit will push authorities in the state to get to the bottom of the matter.

The Windsor hum has been the subject of speculation for several years and has even rattled houses in the city.

An earlier seismographic study by Natural Resources Canada identified Zug Island as the likely source of the noise pollution.

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