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Living a beautiful life



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Sweet morning breeze, blossoming flowers, chirping birds, beautiful sunrise—oh, how wonderful it is to be alive.

A few weeks from now, Christians around the world will celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection from crucifixion, known as Easter or “Muling Pagkabuhay” for Filipino Christians.

Quoting a line from the popular religious song, “For God so loved the world that He gave us His only Son”—this festival reminds us that indeed, life is God’s gift that we need to cherish until our last breath.

Here are some tried-and-tested tips on how to live a beautiful life.

  • Be one with nature. What’s more pristine than to enjoy the sweet morning breeze, the chirping of birds, the budding flowers, the clear seawater and everything that you can see and feel around you—all of these are God’s gift to us. It reminds us of life’s simplicity—which is now lacking in our world due to the advancements in technology. Take some time out from your busy and complicated life. Reflect and cherish this gift.


  • Be a kid once in a while. Do you miss playing and getting dirty? Well, do it once in a while. Jump like you have no care in the world, whether on a trampoline or on your own mattress. Engage in a barefoot run, just like when you were 5.


  • Just smile. The best make-up that you can put on your face is a nice, warm smile. It is something that you can always carry with you wherever you go. A simple manifestation that life is indeed beautiful, despite the odds.


  • Relax. Subtract stress and add positivity to your life. Breathe deeply.


  • Feed your mind. Just like our body, our mind needs to be nourished too. Read a book that motivates, entertains, challenges or inspires.


  • Walk. Whether you want to be rejuvenated or motivated, going for long walks will help you.


  • Give it your 100% at work. Self-fulfillment is the word. Whatever career path we choose, it is important that we always go the extra mile.


  • Have fun. Life is not all about work. Lighten up a bit after a stressful task. Buy something that you like. Satisfy your food cravings. Or just spend more time with your loved ones.


  • Choose to be happy. No one can give joy to you, but yourself. It is a choice that you have to make. Despite life’s adversities, many still choose to be happy, why can’t you?


  • Have faith. It can absolutely move mountains.


  • Just love. Express your feelings now, with a love letter or a kiss. It is now or never.


  • Work on your bucket list. Travel to your dream destination, get married, have children and pursue your wildest dreams.


  • Talk to God. He always hears and listens.


  • Learn every single day. Jot down all the things that you’ve learned in a day and note the things that you still want to learn in the days to come.


  • Re-connect with a long-lost friend. You can send him/her an e-mail or a Facebook message. Or better yet, write in your very own cursive style, and send it by snail mail.


  • Forgive. There’s no use in holding grudges against anyone. Forgive and forget.


  • Embrace your imperfections. No one is perfect, and you are not exempted from this truth.


  • Plan your retirement. Get a hobby, join a club and meet new friends.


  • Appreciate the people around you. Thank them for all the help they’ve given you. Tell them how awesome they are.


  • Seek for greater fulfillment. More than material possessions and earthly gains, we yearn for something deeper. Some start their own family and pursue a shelved passion. Yours could be different, but it’s just definitely out there—waiting to be found.


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