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Art and Culture

Of Hearts and Art (and the Occasional Rat)




IT’S undeniable: every person is born with the innate capacity to create. To illustrate, a child learns to finger paint and doodle before he or she is able to do much else. This seed of creativity is our link to The Creator, and a gift which is given to be nurtured and developed throughout life. Sadly, this is often neglected as children leave their spontaneous, carefree, colorful world of childlike imagination behind, and are thrust into the generally mundane, predictable and drab world of adulthood.  Pablo Picasso skillfully paints this picture in this quote:  “All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”

In this fast-paced world of microwave technology, instant gratification, and uber-competitiveness, “Bigger, better, faster, more, NOW!” seems to be the main priority. It seems the human race is a few steps away from turning into fleshy humanoids, devoid of feeling, creativity and imagination.  The once fertile mind and creative spark transform into a cold and calculated industrialized machine in order to survive what we have come to know as the Rat Race.  Children are made to fit into this mold as early as possible, all too quickly learning the ropes of survival in the concrete jungle, programmed to function accordingly, forgetting the spark at the core of their very being.

Thankfully, there are those who still believe in the value of the imagination. They are the vanguards of all things good, noble, true.  They are the defenders of art, realizing that the very word comprises the core of each heART. Members of the Rat Race, beware. Creative Kids Studio in Alabang, in the south of Manila is committed to growing the spark of creativity in each and every child, kindling this into a lifetime fire of passion for art.

Throughout the year, these art avengers conduct classes for children from the ages of 2 to 15, to get them in touch with their inner artists.  From Scribble Tots and Tykes, Doodle and Arty & Crafty Kids, to more advanced lessons in drawing, watercolor, painting, and illustration, the super fun and interesting classes are designed to fully engage children, thereby cultivating their unique, creative talents. Summer classes culminate in one big exhibit, entitled “Meet the Masters,” a venue for participants to showcase the masterful works of their hands, hearts and imaginations, inspired by the great Masters of Art. Parents, friends, art enthusiasts, and the junior art masters themselves eagerly anticipate the annual event.

Multifaceted mission

Every Child is a Creative Kid. In a nutshell, this is the main mantra of Creative Kids Studio.  Flowing from the heart of this mission are many facets, each integral to the goal of harnessing and honing the creative gifts of the individual child. Creative Kids Studio aims to draw out these unique abilities and talents, thereby giving each child an avenue of self-expression.  This ability to express oneself is vital in developing a healthy self-image, and in nurturing the positive growth of every child’s spirit, soul, and body.The end result is a child who is built-up in self, with a healthy view of his or her individuality; possessing the ability to solve problems and turn mistakes into masterpieces, firmly grasping their special place in humanity.

Part of this mission involves bringing art to underprivileged communities, and using art as a tool of therapeutic self-expression to overcome life’s challenges.  Recently concluded workshops (conducted in partnership with the Consuelo Zobel Foundation) with abused children in provinces throughout the Philippines culminated in a successful exhibit at the Ayala Museum in April 2013.

Multi-talented mind

Breathing life to the mission is the multi-talented mind and dynamic spirit of Ms. Bambi Manosa Tanjutco, founder of Creative Kids Studio. Bambi possesses more than just a solid background in the arts, which includes a Master’s Degree in Art Education and over 10 years of implementing successful creative programs. She has a heart fueled by a passion and compassion for producing creative, out-of-the-box thinkers. Bambi firmly believes that art has the ability to make children better, well-rounded people. “Art is one of those things that we simply MUST do so our spirit may continue to grow,” she says. This passion has fueled countless workshops, art programs, an advocacy for Filipino cultural heritage, arts and crafts appreciation and training, and the birthing of the Creative Kids Studio.

Multimedia methods

At Creative Kids Studio, there is something for everyone from their toddler to teener years. Classes are designed to incorporate traditional and time-tested art techniques, utilizing non-traditional, unexpected and imaginative ways. Children are motivated to work independently, and explore the Masters of Art through fun and diverse methods including sculpting, pasting, painting, cutting, drawing, collage, and 3-D projects. Classes are facilitated by highly skilled and trained artist-teachers, each committed to imparting their talent and love for the arts. Year-round workshops are offered, with a variety of classes for different ages. Summer workshops culminate in one big exhibit, and seasonal workshops showcase themed masterpieces in smaller exhibits. Workshops generally include a day out on the field, exploring museums, exhibits and such. All programs are geared towards developing in each child a continuing desire and avenue for self-expression through hands-on arts and crafts activities.

Memorable Milestones

The magic of Creative Kids Studio does not end with workshops and classes, but extends to special events, such as birthdays and parties for each and every occasion. From underwater fantasies of mermaids and sea creatures, to veritable wonderlands of whimsy and frolic, the special events team is on hand to make your every dream world come to life. Themed parties explode with creativity and color, and are packed with fun-filled games, arts and crafts.  From start to finish, your special event is guaranteed to be a memorable milestone to be treasured for life.

Marvelous masterpieces

Through the years, Creative Kids Studio has had the pleasure and privilege of being a part of the child’s journey of self-expression and creative discovery. Each class, every workshop and activity yields marvelous masterpieces for all to enjoy. From pieces inspired by the Masters, like Picasso, Van Gogh and Monet, to pieces entirely their own, every piece stands testament that truly, every child IS a creative child.

The Creative Kids team, true to their passion and zeal for the heart of art proves to us all that there is hope for children to remain artists as adults. Children need this to nurture their souls.

What of those of us adults already ensnared in the “Rat” Race? Where is our hope? We need to take a cue from the kids and rearrange a few of the “letters” of our lives to reclaim the “Art” Race within us.

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